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Scorpio Season

Illustration by @laviebypi

Happy Spooky Scorpio Season my dears! I must say this is my favorite astrological season of all. Halloween being on October 31 is just another aligned holiday to the astrological season that we are now in. It all gets a bit darker and deeper. But Scorpio energy is not just about scary, frightful themed parties & graveyard visits, it is more about feeling the feelings that are hidden deeply within us. The jealousy, obsessiveness, possessiveness, intimate, taboo are feelings that we all have but are more difficult to admit that we do. They feel uncomfortable and sometimes are not accepted in the society that we live in. A part of our human journey is to be able to feel and express all feelings, not just the happy, joyful, positive ones that feel good. Scorpio is known for their intensity of feeling all emotions so so so deeply (even though they do not always show it). I am always fascinated by Scorpio’s way of being, there are many layers to them and they do not open so easily to anyone. But once they trust that they are safe with you, they are all in.

After going through all the signs so far, we have been learning about ourselves and our surroundings on all surface levels, now by getting to the sign of Scorpio we are touching upon all that is unseen and hidden underneath. Pluto is the first “transcendental” planet that I will be writing about. It is called “transcendental” because most of the time we cannot see with our bare eyes, and its symbolism translates into exactly that, the deepest parts of the unseen.

There are two more transcendental planets, Uranus and Neptune, which also represent the unseen but in their own ways. They will be covered when the Aquarius and Pisces seasons come along.

Tunnel at Ravne, Bosnia. Tunnels connect and allow the underground energy to flow.

Pluto - God of the Underworld

Pluto, known as Hades in Greek Mythology, is the God of the Underworld. There is a massive significance and importance to Pluto’s role in both Greek and Roman Mythology. The Underworld is considered to be a place where all souls go after their life on Earth, and due to its mysteriousness, many people feared this place. Pluto represents all that is taboo, secretive and hidden, things that require digging in order for them to come to light. Pluto also rules abundance, wealth, soil and everything that is in the soil (gold, oil, minerals, roots, buried bodies…etc.) as well as sexual energy and deep intimacy. Pluto is the planet that is associated with true power and deepest desire within us. Pluto represents the beginning (birth) of all but also the ending (decay).

Before the planet Pluto was discovered, Mars was considered as the original ruler of Scorpio in traditional astrology. When Pluto was discovered in 1930, it was clear that this would be the corresponding ruler of Scorpio. Pluto is a higher octave of Mars. Mars signifies the determination & high, fiery energy one feels when moving forward with what they set their mind on. Mars carries a clear masculine energy and this is where Pluto takes it to another level. Pluto carries feminine energy which adds a layer of emotional awareness and depth to all that Mars already has. This is what makes Plutonian energy one of the most powerful energies.

Scorpio - I DESIRE

Scorpio is a more complex sign than the other signs leading up to it. There are so many layers in Scorpio’s way of being, and this is no surprise because Scorpio represents this exact thing, the complexities of our psyche, the hidden emotions and abilities that we all carry within us.

Podgorica, Montenegro. Scorpio rules rivers, due to their immense ability to cleanse and transform.

Scorpio is a fixed sign, which means that this sign is a creature of habit (in addition to Taurus, Leo & Aquarius) and it has its ways of being stubborn and holding onto some things for longer than they should. This fixed trait also brings a certain stability and groundedness. This is why Scorpio is known as one of the most loyal signs. Scorpio is a water sign so this fixed energy is felt through watery expressions, like emotions & strong intuition.

Scorpio is a sign of inner strength and determination. Its energy is magnetic and it attracts without much effort. Scorpio values all things that are deep, vulnerable and true in its purest form, in its core. Scorpio is aware that life is not always light and easy but its strength and determination makes them commit until the end.

The 8th House

Cave by a road in West Serbia, with a natural spring next to it.

Ahh, the mysterious eighth house. The house that indicates how deep our intimacy, sexuality and thoughts are. The house of intuition and inner knowing. The house where we can see our inheritance, whether it is material or psychic. The 8th house can also signify what kind of death is awaiting us, as well as our deep healing journeys. Not every death is just the physical one, right? Unlike its opposite, the second house - which indicates all that we acquire throughout our life, the eighth house reveals all that we have to let go of, as well as earnings through other people (ex. wealth through relationships, inheritance, investments…).


Usually at the end of the blog post, I write about herbs that correspond to the astrological season that we are in and its ruling planet, but because Pluto is such a majestic planet of life and death, I thought it would be more appropriate to give it a whole kingdom that correlates to its energy.

The beautiful, frightful, life giving but also life ending Fungi kingdom.

Fungi sketch by a soul sister @free.lada

Fungi and the mycelium grow in the soil, which is ruled by Pluto. The vast range and complexity of fungi possibilities is another reason I find the resonance with the planet of life, healing & death. We can consume some edible mushrooms as food and receive their nutritional benefits, we can use some mushrooms for their medicinal and healing purposes, some mushrooms contain psilocybin which can have a major effect on our psychological development and can allow us to open our minds and widen our awareness, and some mushrooms are toxic and ingesting them will cause harm to our bodies as well as death.

Very Plutonian. Fungi are a crucial part of the decaying process in nature, by feeding off of anything that is decaying and even assisting in this process. Fungi have a vital role for regeneration of nature, as Pluto does in our lives and in all the world. Fungi represent the cycle of life, and remind us that everything has a beginning and an end. There is also a bigger picture than that, because the mycelium is always present and lives as long as there is soil, so hopefully forever.


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