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Sagittarius Season

Illustrated by @laviebypi

Happy Sagittarius Season! And by saying that, I truly mean Happy Sagittarius season because after an intense Scorpio season of digging into the depths of our psyche, we now have the opportunity to rise to the heights that we have never been to before, as well as to be optimistic, joyful & lucky like a true Sag is. Similarly to a Tarot deck, after the fallen tower there is always a Star rising.


Jupiter in Roman Mythology is the god of the sky, as well as the god of all gods. Equivalent to Zeus in Greek Mythology, this god has one of the greatest roles in Mythology. The planet Jupiter is the largest planet in our Solar System, and because of its size and gravitational pull it attracts all of the asteroids that would otherwise harm Earth if Jupiter was not there. In Astrology, Jupiter is the most beneficial planet. It represents expansion, wealth, good luck, protection, knowledge, wisdom, travel, salvation, philosophy and justice. Wherever we have Jupiter in our chart, we can discover what areas of our life we have luck and ease with. Jupiter takes about 12 years to travel throughout the whole Zodiac, which means that every year, we receive blessings from Jupiter in different areas of our life. Jupiter is what guides us to seek further than what we already know, to travel beyond the horizon and to have experiences that can broaden our mind and add richness to our life. It is a planet that encourages growth which then brings wisdom that can be inspiring to others. Jupiter is the bearer of good news, initiator of new ventures and adventures.

Sagittarius- I SEEK (TRUTH)

Ah Sagittarius, the famous Archer who is striving to shoot as high as possible into the vast universe. The joyful, friendly, optimistic and philosophical archetype who we all need in life to remind us to look at the brighter side of things when we are down. Sagittarius is an embodiment of its ruler, Jupiter, so they embody the expansive wise energy throughout their life. The sign that represents travel, Sagittarius has seen the world and has a lot of experiences to share. They are inspiring storytellers and great thinkers that can make a philosophical debate extra thrilling. The negative side of this is that sometimes it can turn into arrogance or thinking that they know best.

Sagittarius is a mutable sign, which is portrayed in their easygoingness with the flow, adaptable personality, and their great love for freedom, and by being a fire sign, they add some spiciness and passion into it.

Truth is one of the biggest values for a Sag, and the search for it is what drives them to be such passionate, big hearted voyagers. Speaking and knowing the truth is what they stand for, sometimes so strongly that they can bluntly speak how it is without enough emotional awareness for the audience listening. Sags are known for speaking what’s on their mind and are always working to align their mind with the(ir) truth. Sagittarius represents nobility, hope, adventure, luck, ethics, religion, etc., and because Sag represents expansion, it also represents excess which can be detrimental when used mindlessly.

The Ninth House

The ninth house is an important house because it represents our dharma, beliefs, spirituality, higher education, travel, wisdom. It is the house that leads up to the 10th house where we can see our greatest potential of becoming in this life. So in the ninth house we can see the preparation and collection of the wisdom and experiences that shape us into what we are meant to become. We can look at this house to answer questions about our teachers, mentors & professors and even see the potential to become one. People with their Sun in the ninth house often do not live in their home country, but far overseas or are connected in some way to other distant countries. When beneficial planets are transiting through this house, we can expect to travel abroad or to learn new things whether it's taking a new course or going back to school. When more challenging planets are activating this house, the effect can be that an individual questions their beliefs, teachers, purpose, etc.


Just how Jupiter attracts all the dangerous asteroids to protect the planet Earth, the corresponding organ to Jupiter is the liver which detoxifies and breaks down everything we consume to help the body properly digest further. The first medicinal plant that comes to my mind when I think of Sagittarius & Jupiter is Dandelion. From its yellow flowers that turn into seeds that can be blown far away by the wind, to the medicinal properties of the Dandelion leaves which detoxify the liver, this is a perfect plant to balance and strengthen our inner Sag energy.


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