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Pisces Season

Ah, here we are at the end of the Seasons series after a year of following each astrological season and feeling into their energies. We are now closing the cycle with the wise, integrative, emotional, spiritual & intuitive Pisces Season. It is always a distinct shift into the Pisces Season, we all as a collective get hit by emotions more than we were used to during Aqua and Cap and even Sag season. All of a sudden we feel more sleepy, tired, moody and sensitive. Dreams become even more intuitive, predictive and vivid. We all get insight into what it is like to be Pisces; watery, romantic and unconditionally loving. The collective also feels more connected and in tune with each other, less talking and more feeling. The boundaries dissolve. We all have the opportunity to realize that we are all human and that we all have deep emotions… Waking up compassion within us for ourselves and for others is the true high vibrational Pisces energy. Dreaming, loving, feeling connected with all that is around us in its greatness, knowing that we are all one universe experiencing itself. Some of the highest truths of the universe are represented by the Piscean energy. As well as unconditional love being one of the highest vibrations we can be in.

Illustrated by our beloved Pisces herself @laviebypi

During the 11 Zodiac signs, we have gone through every aspect of life, developing ourselves, our interests, values, family, relationships, career and social groups, to come to the final sign that allows us to go beyond all of that and to realize that we are spiritual beings experiencing life on Earth. We are all connected through our emotions, life experiences and through the things that we cannot see, only feel. This is why the saying that Pisces contains aspects of all signs leading up to it makes sense, it contains it all but it also goes beyond it all, seeing the higher purpose of our life journey on this Earth as a collective.


The moon between Venus and Jupiter by @imagesofapasserby

Now imagine all the energy described above embodied in a human being. Pisces are naturally gentle, sensitive, imaginative, loving and compassionate for all living beings. From a young age, they can often come off as an old, wise soul, who is not here on Earth for the first time. There is a certain intuitive knowledge within them that guides their being. Pisces often dream of an ideal world, where there is peace, love and harmony between all beings. This is why sometimes when things are not harmonious in their world they can have tendencies of escapism, finding peace somewhere else or through some other substances. Being a last mutable sign, Pisces is like water, able to adapt and flow wherever the storm takes them, and by being a water sign this flow is usually an emotional journey. Pisces is a sign that is most capable to love unconditionally, because it is engraved into their being, but this can also not always be ideal because this can open them up to being taken advantage of when the intentions are not pure. Pisces will still find love even for people who harmed them, but if the emotional pain was strong, they will find this love from a distance.


Neptune, the furthest planet from the Earth, represents the ultimate spiritual realm in human life; the unseen. God of the oceans. It is a higher octave of the feminine goddess Venus, so it is also feminine in nature. Planet of dreams, imagination, deep waters, intuition, mysticism and unconditional love. The limitless, most powerful energy that flows all around and within us. The ocean isn’t always calm, it also has the most powerful storms that can create massive damage when the energies are not in tune. Neptune represents God(dess)-like energy. Belief in something greater, purpose and connection with the Divine. The last 2000 years we have been trying to connect with this energy and the best way we thought we could do it was through religion. Jesus is the clear representation of the Age of Pisces. But when mixed with unconscious human elements it definitely got a bit more complicated in the process… But ultimately the purpose of all religions is to create a loving, united and connected humanity living in harmony.

Due to all the mystical, high vibrational and loving energy that Neptune represents, it can also not always be fully transparent and true. Neptune is also a planet connected to illusion, murky waters and making things appear not how they actually are in reality. This planet represents things beyond just one reality. It comes with an understanding that reality and perception is malleable, unlike Saturn for example, which stands for only the reality that is in the physical realm. There is a purpose to all planets and energies in different parts of our lives. It is our own responsibility to apply their wisdom in our lives where it is applicable.

Blue Lotus floating in water by

The 12th House

Like the sign of Pisces and planet Neptune, the 12th house is a highly spiritual house in the chart. It represents the unseen in our life, as well as our sensitivity and psychic abilities. It is the house of restoration, isolation and going inward. People with strong 12th houses have heightened intuition and perception of the mystic aspects of life, and are prone to being secretive about some things. Insightful dreams are also a big part of individuals with planets in the 12th house.


One of my favorite plants to connect with when tuning into the energy of Pisces is Blue Lotus. From its physical appearance and name, Blue Lotus already describes the softness and watery energy it amplifies when it is connected with. In ancient Egypt, Blue Lotus was used in ceremony as a medicine to connect with the higher realms and spirits. Blue Lotus is beneficial to be used in tea to assist oneself to get more in tune with their higher self and intuition, as well as to calm the mind and the nervous system and get better sleep accompanied with intuitive dreams.


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